Different Types of Chimney Caps

Different Types of Chimney Caps

When thinking about your chimney, what may first come to mind is that brick and mortar stack on the roof of your house. …but what about that metal unsung hero perched on top of the chimney? That is your chimney cap, and while it might look small and...
Outdoor Fireplace FAQs

Outdoor Fireplace FAQs

The warmer weather and longer days of summer get us outside and enjoying our patios and landscaping. And outdoor fireplaces draw us into community even further with our family and neighbors, encouraging us to enjoy the company with others as we eat, drink, and enjoy...
Outdoor Fireplace FAQs

Outdoor Fireplace FAQs

The warmer weather and longer days of summer get us outside and enjoying our patios and landscaping. And outdoor fireplaces draw us into community even further with our family and neighbors, encouraging us to enjoy the company with others as we eat, drink, and enjoy...
Are Chimney Sweeps Lucky?

Are Chimney Sweeps Lucky?

The belief that various things like horseshoes and four-leafed clovers bring good luck extends throughout history and across countless cultures. And among these superstitions of good luck and good fortune are stories of the chimney sweep. Throughout the world, tales...
We Find & Resolve Chimney Leaks

We Find & Resolve Chimney Leaks

On any given day in America, 14,000 people are affected by water damage emergencies in their home. While there are many ways water can find its way into the home, one of the main culprits is through your chimney – and left unnoticed and unrepaired, the damage...