Will a Chimney Fire Burn Itself Out?

Will a Chimney Fire Burn Itself Out?

Chimney fires might seem uncommon, but they actually occur approximately 14,000 times a year in the United States. That’s an average of nearly 40 fires every single day if people use their fireplaces year round – a sobering reminder that these cozy flames can turn...
Do Creosote Sweeping Logs Work?

Do Creosote Sweeping Logs Work?

There are a number of products on the market designed to help you stay on top of chimney care and cleaning these days. One of these products is creosote sweeping logs. Creosote sweeping logs advertise their ability to keep your chimney cleaner by (as the name...
Problems With Cracked Chimney Crowns

Problems With Cracked Chimney Crowns

There are some problems that can occur with your chimney system even when it’s not in use. Perhaps the off-season is the time when you should pay the most attention to your chimney. When you’re busy burning fires through the winter, that you don’t...
Why Is My Fireplace Smoking?

Why Is My Fireplace Smoking?

A fire naturally produces smoke. However, there is no good reason that it should be smoking anyplace other than your chimney. The chimney is designed to vent all of the harmful byproducts of the fire up and out of the house. This protects your family from health...