The interior of your chimney could be hiding problems that could lead to dangerous situations when you light the first fire of the season this fall. To give yourself peace of mind, Mr. Smokestack suggests that you go ahead and schedule your annual chimney maintenance services now. The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and other national organizations that are dedicated to fire safety all recommend to have your chimney professionally swept and inspected at least once a year to ensure your fireplace and chimney system are functioning safely and efficiently. If you want to be able to use your fireplace as soon as the weather gets cooler this fall without any worries, you will want to make your appointment with us now to avoid the long waits during our busiest season, the fall. Our CSIA-certified sweeps will check out the condition of your chimney to see if there are any problems that could cause a chimney fire, carbon monoxide leak, or other hazards. We would like to tell you more about these hazards and how a chimney inspection can prevent them from occurring.
Chimney Fire
Part of your annual chimney maintenance service from Mr. Smokestack Chimney Service involves removing all of the accumulated creosote deposits from the interior of your chimney. Creosote develops naturally during the combustion process of burning wood, and large deposits of this compound increase your risk of a chimney fire. Creosote is extremely flammable and can ignite into flames when the internal temperature of your chimney gets hot enough. This is why the CSIA has named creosote as a leading cause of chimney fires. After we have swept your chimney to remove the creosote accumulations, we will check to be sure we have gotten every bit out when we inspect your chimney.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Toxic gases like carbon monoxide are produced during combustion, but certain chimney issues can lead to an overproduction of this poisonous gas. In addition, several problems can cause carbon monoxide to be leak into your living space. When Mr. Smokestack Chimney Service inspects your chimney, we will make sure that your chimney is not posing a hazard of carbon monoxide poisoning, which can be deadly. We look to see if anything like leaves, fallen bricks, or other debris is blocking the flue as a flue blockage can force toxic gases back into your home instead of exiting out of the chimney. We will look at your chimney liner to see if it is damaged with cracks or gaps that not only allows carbon monoxide to leak into your home, but also causes a fire hazard by letting extremely high temperatures to transfer to the combustible parts of your home that surround the chimney. If we find any problems, we will give you a written estimate of the necessary repairs needed to prevent the hazard of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Our CSIA-certified chimney sweeps will also look for damaged bricks and mortar joints that could lead to chimney water leak damage. Contact us at Mr. Smokestack Chimney Service to schedule an appointment for a chimney inspection to reduce hazards this fall.