Now is the time to make necessary repairs to your chimney system. Some repairs may be completely cosmetic and some may save your life and save you money. When the firebox needs repairs it can be both dangerous and unsightly. It’s important to repair the firebox before fall, make sure it’s done by a professional, and insure that the repairs and installations are done according to code and manufacturer guidelines.
Firebox Problems
The firebox is one of the most important parts of the system because it keeps the fire in its place. In fact, the firebox endures the highest temperatures for the longest periods of time, and gets very little attention year-after-year. The firebox takes on damage due to high temperatures, but also corrosive chemicals produced by the fire. This abuse over time can lead to stains, cracks, gaps, and even crumbling masonry. Once the masonry in the firebox becomes damaged, it puts the home at risk. Heat can transfer out of the firebox and weaken supports and other parts of the house. Additionally, hazardous gases can pass through the brick and affect the breathable air in the home.
What We Can Do
Mr. Smokestack Chimney Service is the #1 choice for comprehensive chimney care in the Raleigh and Durham area. We see firebox problems on a regular basis, and we always have the right idea to get your fireplace working again. It’s important to talk with your technician about your options and necessary repairs to determine what’s the best choice for your home.
Firebox Repairs – While stain removal is a cosmetic firebox repair we see periodically, more important is the repair of damaged masonry. Our masons are experts at tuckpointing—removing spalling, cracked, and gapped mortar and replacing it with new mortar. We know the importance of using refractory mortar of the same consistency, color, and strength as the old mortar, and leaving a finished product that is beautiful, strong, and safe.
Firebox Rebuilds – If the firebox is so badly damaged that not even tuckpointing can restore it to safety, a rebuild may be necessary. Some homeowners prefer a rebuild because they’d like to change the stonework or design of the firebox. Our masons are experienced working with all types of sizes, materials, and designs, so make sure you discuss it with your technician.
New Installations – If repairs are not cost-effective, or the homeowner is looking for a new look or increase in efficiency, a new installation may be the favored option. Installing an insert will put your space to use, add some style and warmth to your living space, and bypass necessary repairs. When the new insert or stove is properly insulated and installed, you can avoid firebox repairs altogether.
A CSIA certified chimney sweep from Mr. Smokestack Chimney Service is ready to diagnose and repair your firebox. Schedule your chimney inspection today and you can have your firebox repair, rebuild, or installation completed before the first fire of the season. Don’t start on your own! Start with the experts today. Call today at 919-747-1859 or contact us online at